Product updates - autumn 2023

Product Updates | Nov 1, 2023

What's new at School Recruiter?

Over the last few months, as always, we've been working hard behind the scenes to continuously improve your hiring process. We've released some brand new functionality and improved some existing features, all for the ease of your recruitment - and we've got lots to shout about.

Take a look for yourself...

Team member improvements

For schools using group functionality, we’ve made huge steps forward to enable a truly collaborative hiring process, all within the School Recruiter Client Portal.

We've established and implemented clear rules for team members who can interact within a vacancy under any of your schools. You may notice that the list of team members available to add to your hiring team has reduced, but don’t worry – this is the full list of those who should have permission to access the vacancy.

If you need to give more team members access, you can do this via ‘Multi-account Vacancy Management’ (MVM) – which, put simply, allows a team member from one school act as an extension to the hiring team for another school. This can only be enabled at group level, and is available for both Administrators and Hiring Managers. This opens up collaborative hiring to a whole new level, improving your hiring team’s synergy and ultimately enhancing your recruitment even more.

We’ve also made some UI updates for a more modern look and a streamlined user experience.

Email attachments stored against candidates

You can now directly upload email attachments (both inbound and outbound, including emails from reference requests) to the respective candidate's files.

Visibility for files uploaded against candidates have improved as well. When viewing an applicant’s files, you’re able to toggle between viewing all of that candidate’s files, or just those related to the vacancy. If you view candidate files that aren’t linked to an application, all files will display – whether they were uploaded against a vacancy or not.

This helps keep your ATS and hiring process streamlined – ensuring all documentation is in a centralised location, and eliminating the need to externally download these documents.

Request CV as part of online application form

If you're using our online application form for your vacancies, you can now choose whether you request a CV as part of your application process. You can make CV a mandatory or optional request, or disable it entirely. This allows you to further fit your bespoke recruitment needs around our flexible application form, without needing to add additional steps to your hiring process.

New enhanced reporting suite

We've been working hard developing a market-leading advanced Reporting feature, which is currently going through Beta testing with select clients. It offers detailed data analysis and key recruitment reports in three areas: Candidates, Vacancies, and Equality Monitoring, with more reports to follow. This enhances not just the detail but the control you have over your data - having complete transparency allows you to make truly informed recruitment decisions.

Job Template updates

We've implemented brand-new features to our Job Templates, including:

Best practice Job Templates

Our Job Templates are better than ever after a revamp. We've added more role and subject-specific templates, and increased our usage of dynamic placeholders, which will make the template appear personal to your school and avoid duplicate content issues. We’ve also introduced best practice templates in the Welsh language for our Welsh-speaking clients.

All templates will display during the vacancy creation stage, when the template matches the relevant vacancy terminology.

Create, save and reuse Job Templates

We’ve introduced brand new functionality to your vacancy management - now, you can save Job Templates to use when creating a new vacancy. Pre-populating your vacancy text saves your hiring team valuable time, and cuts out the repetitive work of reposting similar adverts.

You can use dynamic fields like employer name and location, ideal for sharing templates within your group. You can also save job adverts as templates from a vacancy, or create new ones in your Settings. Templates are categorised by Career Group, enabling you to tailor them for the type of role that you need.

For our dual-language clients, you can create templates in either English, Welsh, or both languages. You will be able to see the language/s a template has been saved in when viewing templates before importing into your job advert.

Vacancy sorting by closing date

We’ve now implemented a filter to sort your vacancies by their closing date – viewable on both the card and list view of the Vacancies page, so you can see your roles with sensitive timeframes first.

Career Site improvements

We've been making some big updates to our Career Site functionality, including:

Cover photo options

We've updated our Career Site cover photo options. Now, you can lock your cover photo in the Career Site editor to ensure it displays consistently - giving you more flexibility, especially when displaying text in your cover photo.

Talent Pool component

We've also updated the Talent Pool component in the Career Site editor, including default images for new Career Sites. You can now access a new image library and select images to help promote your Talent Pool, with Welsh versions available for Welsh clients. This will help your Career Site to stand out even more, grabbing candidates' attention.

Colour change audit log

When you change your custom colours on the Career Site editor, there will now be an audit log generated, so that you can keep track of any changes.

Bug fixes

Alongside these changes, we’re constantly carrying out regular bug fixes to improve your user experience even further.

Log in to the Client Portal now and get started with our latest functionality enhancements. If you’re not seeing all these changes, please contact your Customer Success Manager to discuss upgrading your account.

Client Portal